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Game broken : (

As a game it's very simple and not very involved, but I can see some potential. My biggest issue was the sensitivity. I spun way to fast when moving my mouse. The UI looks like it wasn't anchored properly or set to scale with screen size and definitely needs some fixing. In terms of gameplay, I didn't feel like I was doing more than running around and because I couldn't access the help menu I couldn't tell if there was something I was missing or supposed to do. Maybe the flashlight could temporarily stun the zombies approaching you when you flash them. to make them easier to get around, if it wasn't already it was really hard to tell. All in all the biggest thing that I would say to work on is player feedback. Although a lot of that may have been lost with the UI so I can't really say. No noticeable gameplay specific glitches otherwise, just some minor graphical errors like one plane being up a little high from the rest of the ground (This was near the largest house I think).